The God Knowledge of Ancient Egypt and the Nation of Islam
The root teaching that ties both the Ancient Egyptian and the Nation
of Islam theologies is that God is self-created. This has far
reaching implications because men and women make things happen. The
first God is the ultimate Self Starter. He was not lazy. He endured
excruciating pain while creating Himself, as all human beings must go
through whether emerging from the womb while being born to trying to
master a certain discipline.
Modern scholars say that the (ancient Egyptian) self creation of God
is a myth because of the present Caucasian construct of evolution.
Many Black scholars also accept this Caucasian concept, even those who
acknowledge and praise the ancient Egyptian cosmology/philosophy. How
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, continuing in the line of the Ancient
Egyptian priests and scientists, taught that God is self-created.
This has not been taught for several thousand years to the public.
Yet, in order for man to know himself he has to know his origin. How
he came into being. When he came into being. Where he came into
being. And, more importantly, why he came into being.
Although the ancient Egyptians did not teach the complete knowledge
of God, for example, Him being a man and man, they did, however, give
plenty of reasons for one to draw the conclusion regarding the
complete divinity of man.
The ancient Egyptian cosmological construct begins with the
self-creation of the originator of the heavens and the earth.
Firstly, what we can deduce from this concept is that the Originator
must be a material entity and not a spirit. In order to reproduce
self one first must have created self. All that lives, from the single
cellular entity to human beings, all follow the law of self
replication or self reproduction.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that the First God (Black Man)
after creating Himself studied himself and brought into existence
another being from Himself. This was His first Act of Creation. That
Second Being (the Black Woman) was feminine in nature created with the
same material in her matrix (which consists both mind and womb) that
the First God Self-Created Himself in-which is the vast deep Black
Womb of Space.
Remember, He was self-created in the vast Black aqueous Womb of Space.
After He finished Himself He studied Himself and made another being
from Himself but with the capacity to create or reproduce by placing
that which He created Himself out of and made Himself in in her. It
is impossible for man to exist without woman. As it is impossible for
life to exist without energy or spirit. For it is energy (spirit)
combined with matter that produces life. That makes this a material
universe. And that, of course, would make God more than a spirit or
spirit; God would have to be human. Again, if God is a spirit, why
the need for a material universe. If it were a spirit universe there
would be no need for matter.
Excerpt from unpublished manuscript.