Today, fifty seven years ago (June 9, 1956) the Pittsburgh Courier published the first article written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for its publication. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's column was titled "Mr. Muhammad Speaks". The column lasted a little over three years. Here is the first article of that column which was untitled.

June 9, 1956

Mr. Muhammad Speaks

          His great teaching and warnings to us (the so-called  Negroes), is BE YOURSELF.  What is our ownself?  He answers that "Your ownself is a righteous Muslim, born of the Tribe of Shabazz."
      He taught us that we are the original people of the earth who has
no birth record.
      He calls on us to SUBMIT to HIM that He would sit us in heaven at once.  He made it clear what constitutes heaven on earth, freedom, justice-, equality, money, good homes and friendship in all walks of
     This Christianity cannot give us (not the Christianity that has been taught us).
      HE GREATLY rejoiced over us and was real happy that He had found us.
      He said that He would make a new people out of us who submit to
Him by causing us to grow into a new growth, not an entirely new body
but a reversal of the old decayed body into a new growth, which He
said would make us all as we were at the age of 16.
     There will be no decay in this new growth of life.  He also stated
that the next life is a life of unlimited progress.
      He taught us the things that were and are and a glimpse of the
things to come.
     HIS FIERY warnings of the judgment of this world makes one feel as
though there would be a very very narrow chance for any life to
survive such a destruction.
   He taught us that our foreparents were deceived and brought into
America by a slave trader whose name was John Hawkins in the year
   Just what happened to our fore-parents and we their children after
landing here in the Western Hemisphere would make a dog weep and fight
if her pups were treated in such manner as our forefathers and their
children were treated.
     OUR FIRST parents who were brought here, He said that, they were
killed after giving birth to their first babies, to prevent them from
teaching their children anything of self or of their God and people.
     This act of murdering our forefathers by the slavemasters left
their children to be taught and reared in whatever pleased the
slavemasters and we are from those children.
     That made us blind, deaf, and dumb to the knowledge of self or
anyone else and it stands true today that, the American so-called
Negroes don't know themselves or anyone else and the worst of all they
don't know that they don't know themselves or others.
     We can't be considered a free people as long as we are in the white
slavemasters' names; this the white man never advise the so-called
Negroes to do, but yet claims that we are free.  He also refused to
teach us the truth of our kind, their civilization before bring[ing]
us into slavery.
      THE KNOWLEDGE of Allah, the Supreme Being, the true religion
(Islam) has never been taught us by anyone before the coming of Allah,
in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.
     The whole of the Western white civilization is opposed to Islam,
the only true religion of God, therefore they (devils), don't teach of
Allah and Islam to us.  He said Christianity was organized by the
white race and they placed the name of Jesus on it as being the
founder and author to deceive the black people in accepting it.
      After our first parents landed here they saw that they had been
deceived by this devil John Hawkins.
     He brought them here on a ship named Jesus, this ship when on its
way back for another load of our people, our fore-parents stared at
the old slave ship as it departed and begged to be carried back, but
to no avail and they said that "You can have this new Western world
but give us the ship Jesus back to our people and country," which now
has become a song among our people, which goes something like this,
      But, our poor foreparents did not know at that time, that it would
be 400 years from that day before the real ship Jesus (GOD HIMSELF)
would come and get them and their children and cut loose every link of
the slave chain that holds us in bondage to our slavemasters by giving
us a true knowledge of self, God and the devil and wipe away the 400
years of tears, weeping, mourning and groaning under the yoke of
bondage to the merciless murderers.
     THE SLAVEMASTERS' children are doing everything in their power to
prevent the so-called Negroes from accepting their own God and
salvation, by putting on a great show of false love and friendship.
      This being done through integration as it is called, so-called
Negroes and whites mixing together, such as, schools, churches and
even intermarriage with the so-called Negroes, and this the poor
slaves (the so-called Negroes) really think that they are entering a
condition of heaven with their former slave-holders, but it will prove
to be their doom.
     Today, according to God's Word that we are living in is the time of
a great separation between black and white.
      The members of every nation must go to their own and the American
so-called Negroes are the most handicapped in the knowledge of just
what they should expect at this time.

8/6/2013 03:28:43 pm

This was very interesting. I have been reading your blog a lot over the past few days and it has earned a place in my bookmarks.

Fred Muhammad
8/7/2013 12:31:25 am

Thanks. I've been away and I have more to publish. If you don't mind-who are you and what are you interests?

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2/19/2015 07:22:38 pm

thank you for posting this in your blog

3/21/2017 07:17:06 am

Thank you for posting this. I recently came to know the docuganda series entitled "The Hate That Hate Produced" launched a campaign during the 1950s and 60s declaring Elijah Muhammad was teaching "Black Supremacy."

Shortly after that Time Magazine got in the act and basically published an article entitled "The Black Supremacists" which said the same things.

The Pittsburgh Courier apparently decided to cease publishing "Mr. Muhammad Speaks" after two years even though no one complained about it teaching "Black Supremacy" that whole time.

Reading this first article in the series makes it clear that Frederick Douglass was right when he said in October 1890: "Black Supremacy is impossible." So called "Black Supremacy" is actually "the fear of Black Supremacy."

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